Non-referral Events

Non-referral Business Events

Business events vary across the verticals we serve and the range of programs we offer at Extole. While these events are less standardized than those used for typical referral or engagement programs, the configuration process is the same. Your Extole Implementation Manager will work closely with you to map your customer journey, whether your business is subscription or membership based, account based, and/or quote and policy based.

Non-referral Example Events

If your business falls within the Financial or Customer Services verticals, key events you want to track and reward may include the following:

Event NameWhat Extole Tracks
Membership RegisteredThe number of registrations completed.
Account OpenedThe number of accounts opened.
Account FundedThe number of accounts funded.
Quote SubmittedThe number of quotes submitted.
Policy PurchasedThe number of policies purchased.
Application StartedThe number of applications started.
Application SignedThe number of applications signed.