Events Overview
Business Events
Business Events are milestones in your customer journey. While these events may look different depending on your business and vertical, they typically include all customer actions associated with participation in your Extole programs. When a customer clicks on a promotion, an advocate shares a link, or a friend opens an account, all of these are considered business events and can be tracked in the Extole platform.
Understanding Your Business Objectives
When designing the flow of events in your program, your Implementation Manager at Extole will start by gaining an understanding of your business objectives. For example, if you come to us with customer acquisition and engagement goals, we'll want to figure out what successful customer acquisition looks like for your company.
Determining your broader objectives is key to creating a program that can successfully target and encourage specific behaviors in your customer base. We can then configure events within your programs to track and drive your KPIs.
Some common KPIs we work with clients to measure and improve upon include:
- New Customers (Friends)
- Revenue
- Conversion Rate
- Purchase Frequency
Mapping Your Customer Journey
Based on your goals and KPIs, your Extole team will help you identify and configure the business events you want to track. This process involves visualizing your customer journey in event terms, determining which events occur online or offline, and deciding which events result in rewards.
Key events to identify include:
- Rewardable events
- Notable offline events
- Points of friction
- High-success events
- Moments of delight

Events associated with the Advocate are in blue, while Friend events are in black.
Your business events are ordered intuitively to match the way customers naturally interact with your program. Actions in the Extole platform—such as sending an email or delivering a reward—are then set up to correspond with your events.
For example, in a Nomination program, the act of submitting a nomination could trigger a reward for the nominator to recognize them for participating. Another example is if an advocate shares a deal with their friend and that friend hasn't redeemed their reward yet; in this case, you can set up an automated reminder email to send to the friend after a certain number of days, encouraging them to use their reward.
Offline Events
If your business has important offline events that you would like Extole to track, your Implementation Manager can help you set up a manual or automated workflow for sending those events to our platform. For more information, see the Files section of Sending Data to Extole.
Custom Events
Regardless of the programs you're running, your team at Extole will always help you create and configure additional, custom events to match your business.
Updated almost 2 years ago